Thursday, July 22, 2010

Thoughts on Working

It's Thursday right now, the work week is halfway over. I gotta make it through it all. Why are Fridays so depressingly long? I guess I can look forward to only an "8 hour day".

Here's some food for thought, what's the point of working? Is it to make money to have the ability to purchase material things? Is it to follow a passion and do what you love? Is it status that you get from the people around you?

Why do I work? To make money at this moment but also to explore my options as best as I can. Working at JPL is a dream workplace. It is essentially a college campus with a bunch of bright and nerdy scientists and engineers that populates this campus. To work here feels entirely different from any other work environment. JPL has this perfect blend of professionalism combined with academia. What they do here on site is truly remarkable. Nowhere else is a company driven by research and discovery quite like JPL. So what I've come to realize is that if engineering or the sciences ever becomes something I want to seriously consider as a profession I am definitely coming back here. They treat you like a valued employee here, the mentoring that is done here is amazing they truly teach you the most pertinent skills, and the pay/benefits here is one to rival anywhere else.

So who knows maybe I end up being like every other dad i La Canada a JPL-er for life loving my job and loving the things I do. I have a long way to go before then so who knows.

I'll leave you with a band you must listen to (up and coming band)

Local Natives

Til Next Time

-Jonathan Wu

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