Monday, July 26, 2010

The Flow

It is suddenly the end of July life really flies by you when your not looking. Most of my classmates from high school are all of a sudden back Stateside after having traveled Europe for a month. It just seems like yesterday that they left. Life's going to be different here, suddenly your phone keeps buzzing with friends that want to hangout. Your schedule looks less and less like lazy summer days.

You begin to panic. Your heart races faster. Your thoughts turn against you...

Is it already the end of June? But, wait, I haven't even begun planning for college.  I don't have my luggage ready, I don't even know what I'm bringing to BOSTON! Wait am I even going to make friends at school? I don't even know how to make new friends anymore. 

Wait how am I going to get moved in? Whose gonna eat in the cafeteria with me? What classes am I even taking. WHAT AM I DOING!?

Just STOP. Take a deep breath and think, haven't you wanted this to happen for four long years now? To get out of high school and jump right into the deep blue waters of University? And your telling yourself your not ready now! You shouldn't be freaking out.


Just relax everything is going to be okay. You only have a month left in La Canada, enjoy it while you can. Enjoy your friends, your family, and all the little things you love to do when you were growing up. Visit those hidden childhood spots where noone else knew about, revisit those amazing food establishments you grew up with (Georges, Juice it Up, Los Gringos, Imports), explore LA and all that it has to offer. Cus let me tell you those beautiful sunny beaches with amazing food El Torascos, Lilys Burritos, Wahoos Tacos, Noahs Bagels, the list goes on and on doesn't come around that many times, especially on the East Coast. CHERISH it all.

 Who knows life might be amazing once you get to BOSTON... so stop worrying go with the flow, embrace and enjoy the time you have left here.

'Til Tomorrow



  1. Hehe I'm reading your blog. Let's go to Noah's and catch up when/if I ever come home??

    PS I showed you smittenkitchen so you should be forever grateful. :)

  2. don't're gonna love boston. you were made for this place. you owe me lunch. in lc and beantown, both. ps i'll help you move in if you want.
