Saturday, August 21, 2010

Goodbye Good day LA!

So it's only a matter of moments (actually days 5 to be exact) before I jump down the rabbit hole. I'm heading to Tufts for the fall, starting my first year there...

It's a mixed bag of emotions, excitement for something new, fear of the unknown, dreading leaving behind some of the things I love the most, but most of all a chance to do ANYTHING I want.

There's alot to think about. This summer has been absolutely perfect. I loved working @ JPL (definitely considering coming back) I loved seeing friends. Adventures to the Beach,  to Mexico, to Foodie only Places, and just plain old fun.

I'm gonna miss alotta things about this place I never thought I would miss things so much. The people. The memores. and The Places...

Smile Your On Camera!

Cherish memories
Cherish the people that make you smile
Cherish dreams
Cherish the places that make you laugh

Don't forget what makes you you,
It's all about your weirdness, It's all about your quirks
Fuck the establishment
Be you

Little baby cousins can make you smile

Balboa Island Skateboarding

Me in all my nerdy glory

Tia, your the greatest kind of friend anyone can ask for

Heather, can you believe we made it this far from the beginning?!

Ben, you've been a friend and brother through and through, thank you

Catherine, words can't describe the way we are, in short I just can't say enough

My one and only love haha, DODGER!

I'm gonna miss the times in Cross Country, Track, Coachella, Hollywood, LA, Old Town, Ceramics, JPL, the beach, Mexico

Good Day and Goodnight. Life ain't over til you let it. Never forget the memories, they make who you are... dam I am so happy right now typing this next to Catherine. I'm in my own words content in life. In perfect balance of me.

-Tile Boston!
